马来西亚与文莱就陆地边界划定问题进行谈判,最终达成谅解备忘录,边界总长 528.45 公里。 Malaysia and Brunei negotiate to finalize an MoU on land border demarcation, covering 528.45 km.
马来西亚与文莱正在就两国陆地边界划定问题进行谈判,以敲定一项协议或谅解备忘录,该边界长度为 528.45 公里。 Malaysia and Brunei are negotiating to finalize an agreement or MoU regarding land border demarcation between the two countries, covering a distance of 528.45 km. 两国已成功完成175.96公里(占边境总长度的33.3%)的边界标测工作,计划于2034年全面完成。 Marking and measurement works have been successfully carried out by both countries on 175.96 km or 33.3% of the entire border distance, with a targeted completion by 2034. 马来西亚将继续通过现有的双边机制与印度尼西亚和文莱进行谈判,以最终确定陆地和海洋划界。 Malaysia will continue to negotiate with Indonesia and Brunei through the existing bilateral mechanism to finalize land and maritime demarcation.