印度积极分子要求在孟买等城市改善步行条件, 孟买只有22%的道路方便行人。 Indian activists demand better walking conditions in cities like Mumbai, where only 22% of roads are pedestrian-friendly.
印度公民活动家正在推动改善城市行走能力, 突显孟买和孟加拉等城市恶劣的徒步条件。 Citizen activists in India are pushing for better urban walkability, highlighting poor footpath conditions in cities like Mumbai and Bengaluru. 尽管孟买50%的人口依赖步行,但只有22%的道路是行人友好的。 Despite 50% of Mumbai's population relying on walking, only 22% of its roads are pedestrian-friendly. 积极分子正在组织散步和宣传运动,要求改进,例如改善人行道和更安全的行人走廊,认为这种改变可以促进步行,减少污染,并使妇女和低收入群体受益。 Activists are organizing walks and advocacy campaigns to demand improvements such as better footpaths and safer pedestrian corridors, arguing that such changes can boost walking, reduce pollution, and benefit women and lower-income groups.