谷歌无法封锁澳大利亚的诈骗网站, Google fails to block scam sites in Australia, risking users' financial safety.
最近的一项调查发现,Google正在指示澳大利亚用户欺骗网站和广告,即使是政府机构黑名单上的平台也是如此。 A recent investigation found that Google is directing Australian users to scam websites and advertisements, even for platforms blacklisted by government agencies. 搜索引擎未能封锁101个骗局网站链接, 并展示已知欺诈企业的广告。 The search engine failed to block 101 links to scam websites and displayed ads for known fraudulent businesses. 这一问题使用户难以确定合法投资公司,有可能使受害者陷入其他骗局,希望追回损失的资金。 This issue makes it difficult for users to identify legitimate investment companies, potentially leading victims to additional scams promising to recover lost funds.