非洲联盟加入20国集团,加强了非洲的全球经济和政治影响力。 The African Union joins the G20, enhancing Africa's global economic and political influence.
非洲联盟(非盟)作为正式成员加入了20国集团,这标志着在承认非洲的经济和政治潜力方面迈出了重要一步。 The African Union (AU) has joined the G20 as a full member, marking a significant step in recognizing Africa's economic and political potential. 这种包容性使非盟能够处理贫穷和气候变化等全球问题,同时倡导非洲大陆在全球经济政策中的利益。 This inclusion allows the AU to tackle global issues like poverty and climate change while advocating for the continent's interests in global economic policy. 中方支持非盟成员国,这凸显了国际社会日益认识到非洲在全球事务中的重要性。 China's support for the AU's membership underscores growing international recognition of Africa's importance in global affairs. 非盟的参与旨在弥合全球政治与地方现实之间的差距,增强非洲对全球政策决定的影响力。 The AU's participation aims to bridge gaps between global politics and local realities, enhancing Africa's influence on worldwide policy decisions.