罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)总统图书馆准备揭幕《死海记录:展览》, 展出古老的圣经文本。 The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library prepares to unveil the "Dead Sea Scrolls: The Exhibition," showcasing ancient biblical texts.
罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)加利福尼亚总统图书馆正在筹备11月22日的“死海记录:展览”开幕式。 The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California is preparing for the "Dead Sea Scrolls: The Exhibition," opening on November 22. 这些卷轴从250本《圣经》到68本《教法》,包括已知的希伯来圣经和其他古代宗教文字的最古老版本。 The scrolls, dating from 250 BCE to 68 CE, include the oldest known copies of the Hebrew Bible and other ancient religious texts. 这标志着他们在近十年后重返美国。 This marks their return to the US after nearly a decade. 展览还将展出Magdala Stone,展出Menorah寺雕刻的雕刻,反映出一个重要的考古发现。 The exhibition will also feature the Magdala Stone with carvings of the Temple Menorah, reflecting a significant archaeological discovery.