亲属确认 洛杉矶女演员 据报失踪 已经找到, 细节保密。 Relatives confirm Los Angeles actress reported missing has been found, details withheld.
据报失踪的洛杉矶女演员的亲属 证实她已经被发现 Relatives of a Los Angeles actress who was reported missing have confirmed that she has been found. 包括《每日微风报》、《每日简报》、《帕萨迪纳星报》、《新闻电报》和《圣贝尔纳迪诺太阳报》在内的多个南加利福尼亚州地方报纸都分享了这一消息。 The news was shared across multiple Southern California local newspapers, including the Daily Breeze, Daily Bulletin, Pasadena Star News, Press Telegram, and San Bernardino Sun. 没有提供关于她的状况或下落的进一步详情。 No further details on her condition or whereabouts were provided.