16岁的远足者Mila Schweyer在加利福尼亚州普鲁马斯县湖泊盆地失踪;最后一次见到星期天晚上。 16-year-old hiker Mila Schweyer missing in Lakes Basin, Plumas County, California; last seen Sunday evening.
Camila "Mila" Schweyer, 16岁的远足者, 在加利福尼亚州普鲁马斯县的湖泊流域失踪。 Camila "Mila" Schweyer, a 16-year-old hiker, is missing in the Lakes Basin area of Plumas County, California. 最后一次见到她是在星期天晚上,她母亲在Elwell Lodge附近送她下车。 She was last seen on Sunday evening after her mother dropped her off near Elwell Lodge. Mila曾与一只小狗一起徒步旅行,被描述为西班牙裔,大约5英尺高,体重110磅,有黑头发和棕眼睛。 Mila, who was hiking with a small dog, is described as Hispanic, about 5 feet tall, weighing 110 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. 普鲁马斯县郡警长办公室正在牵头进行搜查,并敦促任何有情报的人打530-283-6300电话。 The Plumas County Sheriff's Office is leading the search and urges anyone with information to call 530-283-6300.