卡塔尔企业领袖被任命为阿拉伯妇女投资者联盟理事会成员,强调妇女在经济增长中的作用。 Qatari business leader appointed to Arab Women Investors Union board, emphasizing women's role in economic growth.
Ibtihaj Al Ahmadani,卡塔尔知名商业领袖,被任命为阿拉伯妇女投资者联盟董事会董事,并担任最高贸易委员会的顾问。 Ibtihaj Al Ahmadani, a prominent Qatari business leader, has been appointed to the Arab Women Investors Union's Board of Trustees and as a consultant to its Supreme Trade Committee. 这是在埃及举行的旨在加强阿拉伯和非洲国家之间贸易关系的首脑会议上宣布的。 This was announced during a summit in Egypt aimed at enhancing trade ties between Arab and African countries. Al-Ahmadani强调了妇女赋权、家庭支持和创新对推动经济增长的重要性。 Al Ahmadani highlighted the importance of women's empowerment, family support, and innovation in driving economic growth.