加尔各答木材厂的大火造成17个家庭无家可归,但没有造成伤亡。 Major fire at Kolkata's timber factory left 17 families homeless but caused no casualties.
Kolkata's Nimtala Ghat地区一家木材厂在星期五深夜发生大火,持续至星期六上午。 A major fire broke out at a timber factory in Kolkata's Nimtala Ghat area late Friday night, lasting until Saturday morning. 大约20辆消防车扑击的火灾使17个家庭无家可归,但没有造成人员伤亡。 The fire, which was fought by around 20 fire engines, left 17 families homeless but caused no casualties. 官员正在调查原因,原因可能与储存的气瓶或电气故障有关。 Officials are investigating the cause, which could be related to stored gas cylinders or electrical faults. 部长们视察了现场,为受影响的人提供有希望的康复。 Ministers visited the scene, promising rehabilitation for those affected.