格鲁吉亚的丧葬家庭经营者逮捕了18具尸体,发现尸体在房舍中腐烂。 Funeral home operator in Georgia arrested over 18 bodies found decomposing on the premises.
在格鲁吉亚道格拉斯的一家殡仪馆发现的十八具腐烂尸体中,有十二具已查明身份。 Twelve of the eighteen decomposing bodies found at a funeral home in Douglas, Georgia, have been identified. 佐治亚州调查局 (GBI) 正在努力确认其余六具尸体的身份并核实火化信息。 The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) is working on identifying the remaining six bodies and verifying cremation information. 丧葬家庭经营者Chris Johnson被逮捕,被控17项虐待一具尸体的罪名。 Funeral home operator Chris Johnson was arrested and charged with 17 counts of abuse of a dead body. 调查还包括检查保险不合规定之处,预计要支付额外费用。 The investigation also includes checking for insurance irregularities, with additional charges expected.