两名UConn学生因在餐厅里重播TikTok视频而被捕。 Two UConn students were arrested for reenacting a viral TikTok video inside a dining hall.
11月7日, 康涅狄格大学两名学生在校园食堂重播TikTok视频后遭逮捕。 Two University of Connecticut students were arrested after reenacting a viral TikTok video inside a campus dining hall on November 7th. Thanh Bao在假装持枪时大喊命令,被控犯有二级破坏和平罪、一级威胁/射击火器罪和阴谋罪。 Thanh Bao, who yelled commands while pretending to hold a gun, was charged with second-degree breach of peace, first-degree threatening/displaying a firearm, and conspiracy. 记录现场的Nathanael Ghez被控二级破坏和平与共谋。 Nathanael Ghez, who recorded the scene, was charged with second-degree breach of peace and conspiracy. 两人均以50 000美元的债券获释。 Both were released on $50,000 bonds. UConn可以审查它们的行为,并考虑制裁,包括驱逐。 UConn may review their conduct and consider sanctions, including expulsion.