卡塔尔将从2025年2月开始使用其国家Himyan名片支付政府款项。 Qatar will use its national Himyan card for government payments starting February 2025.
卡塔尔中央银行计划从2025年2月起将国家Himyan卡用于政府付款,作为数字转型倡议的一部分。 The Qatar Central Bank plans to use the national Himyan card for government payments starting in February 2025 as part of a digital transformation initiative. 这一行动旨在加强安全并减少付款处理费用。 This move aims to enhance security and reduce payment processing costs. 银行保证服务质量将不受影响,并将提供关于过渡的最新情况,以确保方便地获得政府服务。 The bank assures that the quality of services will remain unaffected, and it will provide updates on the transition to ensure easy access to government services.