与卡塔尔多哈银行合作,改善跨境支付服务和支付能力。 Nium partners with Doha Bank in Qatar to improve cross-border payment services and affordability.
Nium与多哈银行合作,加强卡塔尔的跨境支付服务。 Nium has partnered with Doha Bank to enhance cross-border payment services in Qatar. 这一协作旨在为居民提供快速、可靠和符合成本效益的汇款解决办法。 This collaboration aims to provide fast, reliable, and cost-effective remittance solutions for residents. 他们打算将Nium在实时付款方面的专门知识与多哈银行的当地市场知识结合起来,为国际交易的效率和可负担性制定新的标准,使客户能够无缝地转移资金。 By combining Nium's expertise in real-time payments with Doha Bank's local market knowledge, they intend to set new standards for efficiency and affordability in international transactions, enabling seamless fund transfers for customers.