母亲和女儿因袭击一名社会工作者和在法院下令的访问期间绑架儿童而被捕。 Mother and daughter arrested for assaulting a social worker and kidnapping children during a court-ordered visit.
两名妇女,Starlita Moore和她的女儿Teisha Schulters,在11月8日法庭授权访问一个蹦床上公园期间,在袭击一名国防和安全部队工人和绑架两名儿童后被捕。 Two women, Starlita Moore and her daughter Teisha Schulters, were arrested after assaulting a DFCS worker and kidnapping two children during a court-mandated visit at a trampoline park on November 8. 据称,Moore在Schulters的帮助下殴打了DFCS的雇员并带走了孩子。 Moore allegedly punched the DFCS employee and took the children with Schulters' help. 两人都被阿拉巴马州巡逻队抓获。 Both were caught by the Alabama State Patrol. Moore面临包括绑架和殴打在内的指控,而Schulters则被控绑架。 Moore faces charges including kidnapping and battery, while Schulters is charged with kidnapping. 发现这些儿童没有受伤。 The children were found unharmed.