19岁和25岁的妇女在曼哈顿因涉嫌危害1岁儿童而被捕;Riley县警察调查。 19- and 25-year-old women arrested in Manhattan for alleged 1-year-old child endangerment; Riley County Police investigating.
两名妇女,即19岁的Madyson Green和25岁的Alisia Green在堪萨斯州曼哈顿被捕,据称他们把一名1岁男孩留在家里无人照管。 Two women, Madyson Green, 19, and Alisia Green, 25, were arrested in Manhattan, Kansas, for allegedly leaving a 1-year-old boy unattended at a home. 莱利县警察局正在调查这一事件,这导致对严重危害儿童的指控。 The Riley County Police Department is investigating the incident, which led to charges of aggravated child endangerment. 两名妇女目前都被关押在莱利县监狱,每人6 000美元的保证金。 Both women are currently held in the Riley County Jail with bond set at $6,000 each. 随着调查的继续,将提供进一步的细节。 Further details will be available as the investigation continues.