4个月大的布朗克斯婴儿死亡 是可卡因中毒导致的凶杀案 Medical examiner rules 4-month-old Bronx baby's death a homicide due to cocaine intoxication.
8 月 10 日,一名名叫阿里尔·冈萨雷斯 (Ariel Gonzalez) 的 4 个月大男孩在布朗克斯区死亡,该市法医裁定为凶杀案,该法医将急性可卡因中毒列为死因。 The death of a 4-month-old boy named Ariel Gonzalez in the Bronx on August 10 has been ruled a homicide by the city's Medical Examiner, who cited acute cocaine intoxication as the cause of death. 发现这名儿童在家中无动于衷,被赶到医院,在那里死亡。 The child was found unresponsive at his home and rushed to a hospital, where he died. 正在调查该婴儿如何接触毒品,迄今没有逮捕任何人。 The investigation into how the infant was exposed to the drug is ongoing, with no arrests made so far.