伦敦天堂夜总会的保安 被控强奸罪 俱乐部执照被吊销 London's Heaven nightclub security guard charged with rape; club's license suspended.
伦敦天堂夜总会一名保安被捕, 被控于11月1日强奸一名女性。 A security guard at London's Heaven nightclub was arrested and charged with raping a woman on November 1. 据报告,其他工作人员无视她报告袭击的企图。 Other staff reportedly ignored her attempts to report the assault. 5月又发生了一起事件,三名安保人员被拍摄到袭击一名顾客。 This incident follows another in May where three security staff were filmed assaulting a customer. 威斯敏斯特理事会已暂停该俱乐部的酒类执照28天, The Westminster Council has suspended the club's alcohol license for 28 days, citing concerns over the venue's ability to protect its customers.