印度的宝石和珠宝出口在10月达到29.98亿美元,比去年增加9.18%,其驱动因素是钻石和黄金收益。 India's gem and jewelry exports hit $2.998 billion in October, up 9.18% from last year, driven by diamond and gold gains.
印度的宝石和珠宝出口在2024年10月猛增,达到29.98亿美元,比前一年增加了9.18%。 India's gem and jewelry exports surged in October 2024, reaching $2.998 billion, a 9.18% increase from the previous year. 切割和抛光钻石带动增长,增长11.32%,黄金首饰出口也增长8.8%。 Cut and polished diamonds led the growth with an 11.32% rise, while gold jewelry exports also increased by 8.8%. 尽管取得了这些增长,但4月至10月的累计出口却下降了9.1%。 Despite these gains, cumulative exports from April to October showed a 9.1% decline. 宝石和珠宝出口促进理事会(宝石和珠宝出口促进理事会)对未来增长仍然持乐观态度,特别是受即将到来的节假日的驱动。 The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) remains optimistic about future growth, particularly driven by the upcoming holiday season.