2022-23 年,印度的宝石和珠宝行业出口额达到 377.3 亿美元,在切割和抛光钻石方面排名第一,在黄金和白银珠宝方面排名第二。 India's gems and jewellery sector reached $37.73bn exports in 2022-23, ranking first in cut and polished diamonds, and second in gold and silver jewellery.
印度的宝石和珠宝行业在金价上涨和全球出口领先地位的推动下大放异彩,2022-23 年出口额达到 377.3 亿美元。 India's gems and jewellery sector shines amidst rising gold prices and global export leadership, with exports reaching $37.73bn in 2022-23. 该行业的价值增长超过了产量,而印度在切割和抛光钻石出口方面排名第一,在黄金和白银珠宝出口方面排名第二。 The industry witnessed higher values outpacing volumes, while India ranked first in cut and polished diamonds and second in gold, silver jewellery exports. 该国经济快速增长,2022/23财年增长率为7.2%,预计2023/24财年将增长6.3%。 The country's fast-growing economy, with a 7.2% growth rate in FY2022/23, is expected to expand 6.3% in FY2023/24.