海得拉巴雇用变性者志愿者管理交通,以减少拥挤和酒后驾车。 Hyderabad hires transgender volunteers to manage traffic, aiming to reduce congestion and drunk driving.
海得拉巴计划雇用变性人担任交通志愿者,解决交通拥堵和酒后驾车问题。 Hyderabad plans to employ transgender individuals as traffic volunteers to tackle traffic congestion and drunk driving. 这些志愿人员部署在繁忙地区,将管理交通信号,防止违反规则的行为,并检查醉酒司机,类似于家庭警卫。 Deployed in busy areas, these volunteers will manage traffic signals, prevent rule violations, and check for drunk drivers, similar to Home Guards. 该倡议旨在为变性人提供收入和社会尊重,同时改善交通条件。 The initiative aims to provide income and societal respect to transgender individuals while improving traffic conditions.