众议院道德委员会对众议员马特·盖茨 (Matt Gaetz) 的秘密报告保密,尽管有人呼吁释放他。 House Ethics Committee keeps secret report on Rep. Matt Gaetz despite calls for release.
众议院道德委员会已决定不发布关于前众议员马特·盖茨 (R-FL) 的报告,他因性行为不端和吸毒指控而辞职。 The House Ethics Committee has decided not to release its report on former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who resigned amid sexual misconduct and drug use allegations. 该委员会由迈克尔·盖斯特 (R-MS) 领导,尽管参议员约翰·科宁 (John Cornyn) 和其他人呼吁发布该报告,但仍坚持保密。 The committee, led by Michael Guest (R-MS), is upholding confidentiality despite calls from Sen. John Cornyn and others for the report's release. 该报告仍未披露,使盖茨在当选总统特朗普领导下被提名为司法部长的事情变得复杂。 The report remains undisclosed, complicating Gaetz's nomination for attorney general under President-elect Trump.