都柏林开着圣诞灯, 尽管零售商喜忧参半, 希望刺激节假日购物。 Dublin switched on its Christmas lights, hoping to boost holiday shopping despite mixed retailer optimism.
都柏林的圣诞灯被打开, 标志着节庆季节的开始, 希望节日购物能有所提升。 Dublin's Christmas lights were switched on, marking the start of the festive season, with hopes for a boost in holiday shopping. 这次活动由都柏林镇组织,第16年在25个街道上安装了灯光,来自小蓝英雄基金会的年轻代表打开了灯。 The event, organized by Dublin Town, saw lights installed across 25 streets for the 16th year, with young representatives from the Little Blue Heroes Foundation turning on the lights. 零售商对节假日表示喜忧参半, 有些人期望消费者支出会增加, Retailers express mixed feelings about the holiday season, with some expecting increased consumer spending while others worry about foot traffic. 该市的灯光使用低能LED,预计会吸引许多访客。 The city's lights, using low-energy LED, are expected to attract many visitors.