YouTube Premium使用者正在看到广告, YouTube Premium users are seeing ads, despite their subscription promising an ad-free experience.
YouTube Premium 订户尽管付费免费订阅, 却报道广告的出现。 YouTube Premium subscribers are reporting the appearance of ads despite their paid, ad-free subscription. YouTube 坚持认为, Premium用户不应看到预卷或中卷广告,如果广告持续存在,则建议联系支持。 YouTube maintains that Premium users should not see pre-roll or mid-roll ads and advises contacting support if ads persist. 造成这一问题的原因不明确,但已导致不同区域用户提出投诉。 The cause of this issue is unclear, but it has led to complaints from users across different regions. 一些人认为,这可能是系统故障或具体伙伴关系造成的。 Some suggest it could be due to system glitches or specific partnerships.