YouTube TV将其价格提高到每月82.99美元, YouTube TV raises its price to $82.99 monthly, citing increased content costs and quality investments.
YouTube电视台将月价从72.99美元提高到82.99美元, YouTube TV is raising its monthly price from $72.99 to $82.99, effective January 13 for existing subscribers and immediately for new customers. 增加的原因是内容成本上升和对服务质量的投资增加。 The increase is attributed to rising content costs and investments in service quality. YouTube电视提供100多个频道,无限制的DVR存储,每个家庭多达6个账户。 YouTube TV offers over 100 channels, unlimited DVR storage, and up to six accounts per household. 这标志着一年内第二次物价上涨。 This marks the second price hike in a year. 目前,这项服务有800多万个订户。 The service now has over 8 million subscribers.