美国和波兰在波兰建立了北约导弹防御基地,同时与俄罗斯关系紧张。 The U.S. and Poland inaugurate a NATO missile defense base in Poland, amid tensions with Russia.
美国和波兰已在波兰雷兹科沃建立了一个北约导弹防御基地,旨在探测和拦截短程至中程弹道导弹。 The U.S. and Poland have inaugurated a NATO missile defense base in Redzikowo, Poland, designed to detect and intercept short- to intermediate-range ballistic missiles. 波兰最初在布什总统领导下计划保护欧洲免受伊朗威胁,但波兰认为该基地是防止俄罗斯侵略的保护基地。 Originally planned under President Bush to protect Europe from Iranian threats, Poland sees the base as protection against Russian aggression. 克里姆林宫已提出抗议,保证采取措施确保平等。 The Kremlin has protested, pledging to take measures to ensure parity. 这一行动是在乌克兰战争造成紧张局势的情况下采取的。 This move comes amid tensions due to the war in Ukraine.