波兰正在建设“东盾”, 以加强与俄罗斯及白俄罗斯的边界, Poland is building the "East Shield" to strengthen borders with Russia and Belarus amid tensions.
波兰正在构筑“东盾”计划, 以巩固与俄罗斯加里宁格勒排泄物及白俄罗斯的边界, Poland is constructing the "East Shield" initiative to fortify its borders with Russia's Kaliningrad exclave and Belarus, amid rising tensions due to the war in Ukraine. 该项目耗资100亿兹罗提(25亿美元),将在2028年前完成,其中包括有形障碍、监视系统和后勤枢纽。 The project, costing 10 billion złoty ($2.5 billion), will include physical barriers, surveillance systems, and logistics hubs, completed by 2028. 这项努力旨在遏制俄罗斯潜在的侵略,是北约针对波罗的海地区安全问题在东欧采取的防御战略的一部分。 This effort aims to deter potential Russian aggression and is part of NATO's defense strategy in Eastern Europe, responding to security concerns in the Baltic region.