Roger Sierra 28岁 被控因坠机失事 造成McMurray堡 一名24岁的波士顿比萨饼雇员死亡 而犯有过失罪 Roger Sierra, 28, charged with criminal negligence for crash that killed a 24-year-old Boston Pizza employee in Fort McMurray.
Roger Sierra,28岁,来自卡尔加里,被指控犯有过失罪,造成死亡,因为他的皮卡车撞上了艾伯塔省麦克默雷堡一家波士顿比萨餐厅,杀死一名24岁的雇员。 Roger Sierra, 28, from Calgary, was charged with criminal negligence causing death after his pickup truck crashed into a Boston Pizza restaurant in Fort McMurray, Alberta, killing a 24-year-old employee. Sierra据称在坠机时持有医疗吊销的驾驶执照。 Sierra allegedly had a medically suspended driver's license at the time of the crash. 他将在12月4日出庭。 He is set to appear in court on December 4. 受害者家属的AGOFundMe页面已筹集近65 000美元。 A GoFundMe page for the victim's family has raised nearly $65,000.