阿尔伯克基的青少年司机酒后造成车祸,造成 6 人重伤。 Teen driver under the influence causes crash, leaving six seriously injured in Albuquerque.
Albuquerque东北地区周六清晨发生翻滚事故, 一名18岁的司机在酒精影响下失去对卡车的控制, In a rollover crash early Saturday morning in northeast Albuquerque, an 18-year-old driver under the influence of alcohol lost control of his truck after an argument. 坠机造成七人中有六人严重受伤,其中一人受了致命伤。 The crash resulted in serious injuries to six of the seven occupants, including one life-threatening injury. 司机Eddie Madrid面临DWI的指控,如果乘客死亡,指控可能会升级为车辆杀人。 The driver, Eddie Madrid, faces DWI charges, and if a passenger dies, the charge could escalate to vehicular homicide.