巴基斯坦最高法院开始关于污染的听证,要求各省提交控制报告。 Pakistan's Supreme Court starts hearings on pollution, demanding provinces submit control reports.
巴基斯坦最高法院已开始就环境污染问题举行听证会,这是一个自1993年以来长期存在的问题。 Pakistan's Supreme Court has initiated hearings on environmental pollution, a long-standing issue dating back to 1993. 该法院由Aminuddin Khan法官领导,指示所有省份在三周内提交关于污染控制的详细报告。 The court, led by Justice Aminuddin Khan, has directed all provinces to submit detailed reports on pollution control within three weeks. 法官们强调必须处理迅速侵占农用土地的问题,并强调车辆排放是主要的污染源。 The justices emphasized the need to address rapid encroachment on agricultural lands and highlighted vehicle emissions as a major pollution source. 法院还质疑环境保护局的作用和目前防治污染措施的效力。 The court also questioned the role of the Environmental Protection Agency and the effectiveness of current measures to combat pollution.