新西兰对超临界地热技术投资高达60M元,目的是到2040年将能源产出增加三倍。 New Zealand invests up to $60M in supercritical geothermal tech, aiming to triple energy output by 2040.
新西兰计划投资6 000万美元,用于探索超临界地热技术(SCGT),这种技术产生的能源可能比目前的地热方法多三倍。 New Zealand plans to invest up to $60 million to explore supercritical geothermal technology (SCGT), which could generate up to three times more energy than current geothermal methods. 最初的500万美元将用于为Taup火山区勘探井的设计和钻探计划提供资金。 The initial $5 million will fund design and drilling plans for exploratory wells in the Taupō Volcanic Zone. 长期项目的目标是在2025年之前开始钻井,在2035-2040年之前部署技术,减少对矿物燃料的依赖和排放。 The long-term project aims to start drilling by 2025 and deploy technology by 2035-2040, reducing fossil fuel reliance and emissions.