马来西亚法院斥责Lim Guan Eng的法律团队在对他的腐败审判中反复质问。 A Malaysian court reprimands Lim Guan Eng's legal team for repetitive questioning in his corruption trial.
科伦坡法院斥责前首相林光恩(Lim Guan Eng)的法律团队在一次腐败审判期间,一再向检方一位关键证人Datuk Zarul Ahmad Mohd Zulkifli提出同样的问题。 The Kuala Lumpur court has reprimanded the legal team of former Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng for repeatedly asking the same questions to a key prosecution witness, Datuk Zarul Ahmad Mohd Zulkifli, during a corruption trial. Lim被指控在隧道工程中收受330万林吉特的贿赂。 Lim is accused of accepting a RM3.3 million bribe in connection with a tunnel project. 法官Azura Alwi提醒辩方不要提出在先前弹劾程序中已经回答过的问题。 The judge, Azura Alwi, reminded the defense not to pose questions already answered in previous impeachment proceedings.