贪污案的2名关键证人因在审讯期间提供相互矛盾的陈述而被罚款每人15,000令吉。 2 key witnesses in a corruption case were fined RM15,000 each for giving contradictory statements during trial.
涉及拿督斯里莫哈末沙布前政治秘书的贪污案中,两名关键证人因在审讯期间提供相互矛盾的陈述,被吉隆坡地庭各罚款 15,000 令吉。 Two key witnesses in a corruption case involving a former political secretary to Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu were fined RM15,000 each by the Sessions Court in Kuala Lumpur for giving contradictory statements during the trial. 法官阿祖拉·阿尔维 (Azura Alwi) 对 53 岁的扎因丁·阿卜杜勒·马吉德 (Zainudin Abdul Majid) 和 54 岁的艾哈迈德·希沙姆·莫哈德·塔朱丁 (Ahmad Hisham Mohd Tajuddin) 改变认罪后处以罚款。 Judge Azura Alwi imposed the fine on Zainudin Abdul Majid, 53, and Ahmad Hisham Mohd Tajuddin, 54, after they changed their plea to guilty. 这些证人被指控向马来西亚反贪污委员会(MACC)提供与他们之前的证词不一致的陈述。 The witnesses were charged with giving statements inconsistent with their earlier testimonies to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).