法官艾琳·坎农驳回了特朗普的机密文件案,理由是特别顾问的任命违反宪法。 Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed Trump's classified documents case, citing special counsel's unconstitutional appointment.
法官艾琳·坎农驳回了特朗普的机密文件案,称特别顾问的任命违反宪法。 Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed Trump's classified documents case, citing the special counsel's unconstitutional appointment. 特朗普的辩护律师辩称,特别顾问杰克·史密斯并非由司法部合法任命。 Trump's defense argued that Jack Smith, the special counsel, was not legally appointed by the Justice Department. 此案是针对特朗普的四起悬而未决的案件之一。 This case was among four pending against Trump.