印度在Puri's Jagannath Temple 发射10辆电池操作车辆, India launches 10 battery-operated vehicles at Puri's Jagannath Temple to boost eco-friendly access.
普拉尔哈德·乔希联合部长在印度可再生能源开发机构有限公司的CSR方案的支持下,在普里Shree Jagannath寺发射了10辆电池操作汽车。 Union Minister Pralhad Joshi launched 10 battery-operated vehicles at the Shree Jagannath Temple in Puri, supported by the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited's CSR program. 该倡议旨在促进生态友好的流动性,并改善来访者,特别是老年公民和有不同能力的个人的无障碍环境。 The initiative aims to promote eco-friendly mobility and improve accessibility for visitors, especially senior citizens and differently-abled individuals. 该项目与国际可再生能源机构促进可持续能源解决方案的使命相一致。 The project aligns with IREDA's mission to promote sustainable energy solutions.