Desjardins预测,由于移民和失业率的下降,加拿大的租金上涨速度会放慢。 Desjardins predicts slower rental price increases in Canada due to lower immigration and unemployment rises.
Desjardins预测,由于移民减少和失业率上升,加拿大的房租价格上涨将放缓。 Desjardins predicts Canadian rental price increases will slow due to reduced immigration and rising unemployment. 租金通货膨胀率在问题3中达到8.3%,是1980年代以来最高的。 Rent inflation reached 8.3% in Q3, the highest since the 1980s. 政府计划减少20%的移民,减少对租房的需求。 The government plans to cut immigration by 20%, reducing demand for rentals. 影响将因地区而异,安大略省和不列颠哥伦比亚的增长可能较慢。 Effects will vary by region, with Ontario and BC likely to see slower increases. 报告强调了住房负担能力的长期解决方案。 The report highlights long-term solutions for housing affordability.