11月14日,Chipotle重新发行节日商品,包括香皂和礼品卡。 Chipotle re-launches holiday merchandise, including a cilantro soap and gift cards, on November 14.
Chipotle在11月14日重新推出其“我想要的就是Chipotle”商品, 包括香皂、水蜡烛和仙人掌皮巾。 Chipotle is re-launching its "All I Want is Chipotle" merchandise on November 14, featuring a cilantro soap, a "water" cup candle, and a cactus leather napkin holder. 这些物品可以单独或作为50美元的捆包购买。 The items can be bought individually or as a $50 bundle. Chipotle奖赏成员可以使用点数来赢得捆绑。 Chipotle Rewards members can win the bundle using points. 该公司还为前20 000名消费40美元或40美元以上的顾客提供新的节假日礼品卡,并进行交易。 The company is also offering new holiday-themed gift cards with a deal for the first 20,000 customers who spend $40 or more.