英国夫妇卖房子 搬去保加利亚 带孩子住七千英镑的房子 鼓舞他人 British couple sells home, moves to Bulgaria with kids for £7,000 house, inspiring others.
一对英国夫妇,刘易斯和约旦,离开了他们在英国伯恩茅斯的生活,在保加利亚购买一栋7000英镑的房子,而没有先看到它。 A British couple, Lewis and Jordan, left their life in Bournemouth, UK, to buy a house in Bulgaria for £7,000 without seeing it first. 他们卖掉自己的物品,与两个孩子一起搬家,目的是创造更负担得起的生活方式,并有可能耕种。 They sold their belongings and moved with their two children, aiming for a more affordable lifestyle with the possibility of farming. 他们的旅程在网络上引起注意, Their journey has garnered attention online, inspiring others considering a similar move.