一对富有的夫妇起诉他们价值 3250 万英镑的伦敦房屋卖家,要求赔偿 3600 万英镑,理由是衣服和酒被虫蛀损坏。 A wealthy couple sues their £32.5 million London home seller for £36 million over moth damage to clothes and wine.
一对富有的夫妇,格鲁吉亚亿万富翁的女儿和她的丈夫,正在以3 600万英镑起诉其3 250万英镑伦敦住房的卖主,声称该住房充斥着破坏其衣服和葡萄酒的飞蛾。 A wealthy couple, daughter of a Georgian billionaire and her husband, are suing the seller of their £32.5 million London home for £36 million, claiming it was infested with moths that damaged their clothes and wine. 这对夫妇辩称,卖方未能在2019年采购之前披露先前的飞蛾问题。 The couple argues the seller failed to disclose previous moth issues before the 2019 purchase. 他们试图倒转销售,收回其钱款,外加额外的损害赔偿。 They seek to reverse the sale and receive their money back plus additional damages. 审判仍在进行。 The trial is ongoing.