一辆超速的汽车撞入El Cajon的一所房屋,造成一对夫妇受伤,使房子无法居住。 A speeding car crashed into a home in El Cajon, injuring a couple and making the house uninhabitable.
周二清晨,一辆超速汽车撞入El Cajon的一所住宅,造成一对睡在里面的夫妇受伤。 A speeding car crashed into a home in El Cajon early Tuesday morning, injuring a couple sleeping inside. 该男子受重伤,而该妇女受轻伤。 The man suffered serious injuries, while the woman had minor injuries. 两人都曾住院治疗。 Both were hospitalized. 司机是一名26岁的男子,经过戒酒测试,没有受伤。 The driver, a 26-year-old man who passed sobriety tests, was not injured. 坠机是由曲线上超速造成的, 使家里无法居住。 The crash, caused by excessive speed on a curve, left the home uninhabitable.