尼日利亚立法者主张在促进发展的项目中增加当地承包商。 Nigerian lawmakers advocate for more local contractors in projects to boost development.
尼日利亚立法者正在敦促将当地承包商纳入建筑项目,以促进国家发展。 Nigerian lawmakers are urging the inclusion of local contractors in construction projects to boost national development. 在阿布贾首脑会议期间,国民议会和工程小组领导人呼吁更严格地遵守有利于当地内容的法律以及税收抵免和资产象征性化等创新金融解决方案,以帮助当地承包商克服资金有限和不安全等挑战。 During a summit in Abuja, leaders from the National Assembly and engineering groups called for stricter adherence to laws favoring local content and innovative financial solutions like tax credits and asset tokenization to help local contractors overcome challenges such as limited funding and insecurity. 这一推力旨在加强地方工业和改善基础设施项目。 This push aims to strengthen local industries and improve infrastructure projects.