Inose Jaw, 警方的追逐以致命的滚转结束;一名乘客死亡,两名乘客住院。 In Moose Jaw, a police chase ended with a fatal rollover; a passenger died, and two were hospitalized.
在萨斯喀彻温省的穆斯乔,11 月 7 日,警方在追逐一辆银色本田时发生了一起致命的翻车事故。 In Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, a fatal rollover occurred on November 7 during a police chase of a silver Honda. 追逐始于有关车辆驾驶不规则且追逐另一辆车的报道。 The chase began after reports of the vehicle driving erratically and chasing another car. 一名31岁的乘客在现场死亡,而司机和另一名乘客则住院治疗。 A 31-year-old passenger died at the scene, while the driver and another passenger were hospitalized. 萨斯喀彻温严重事件反应小组正在调查警察的行动,预计将在90天内提出一份报告。 The Saskatchewan Serious Incident Response Team is investigating the police's actions, with a report expected within 90 days.