肯德尔·詹纳 (Kendall Jenner) 以一头夸张的黑发鲍勃发型震惊了粉丝,改变了她的金发造型。 Kendall Jenner shocks fans with a drastic brunette bob haircut, shifting from her blonde look.
超级模特肯德尔·詹纳改变了她的外貌 将头发剪短成黑发 Supermodel Kendall Jenner has transformed her look, cutting her hair short into a brunette bob. 她在Instagram上首次亮相, 照片由摄影师Mert Alas拍摄, 在西好莱的寿司公园被发现之前. She debuted the new style on Instagram with photos taken by photographer Mert Alas, before being spotted at Sushi Park in West Hollywood. 詹纳在9月时尚周曾染过金发 Jenner had previously dyed her hair blonde for fashion week in September. 新发型吸引了她的粉丝的注意和钦佩。 The new haircut has garnered attention and admiration from her fans.