36 岁的蕾哈娜在其护发系列 Fenty Hair 饱受批评之际,在纽约展示了她自然的金色短卷发。 36-year-old Rihanna, amidst criticism about her haircare line Fenty Hair, showcases her natural, short blonde-dyed curly hair in NYC.
36 岁的蕾哈娜在纽约展示了她自然的金色短卷发,她的护发系列 Fenty Hair 遭到了批评。 36-year-old Rihanna showcased her natural, short blonde-dyed curly hair in NYC, amidst criticism about her haircare line, Fenty Hair. 该系列产品于 6 月 13 日上市,旨在强化和修复所有类型和质地的头发。 The line, launching on June 13, aims to strengthen and repair all hair types and textures. 蕾哈娜的个人亮相穿着一件棕色皮草大衣、多层胸罩、宽松的裤子、露趾高跟鞋和太阳镜,她还为一位粉丝签名了一双运动鞋。 Rihanna's solo outing featured a brown fur coat, layered bras, loose trousers, open-toe heels, and sunglasses, as she signed a pair of sneakers for a fan.