印度最高法院将就防止因指控而非法拆毁财产的准则作出裁决。 India's Supreme Court will rule on guidelines to prevent illegal property demolitions based on accusations.
印度最高法院将于11月13日星期三就防止非法拆毁被告房屋和财产的全国指导方针作出判决。 The Supreme Court of India will deliver its verdict on Wednesday, November 13, regarding nationwide guidelines to prevent illegal demolitions of homes and properties of accused individuals. 法院先前已经停止了这种行动,指出拆除行动不能仅凭指控或定罪就有理由。 The court has previously halted such actions, stating that demolitions cannot be justified solely based on accusations or convictions. 这项裁决将制定准则,确保国内法不被滥用于政治目的,重点是公共安全和正当程序。 The ruling will set guidelines to ensure municipal laws are not misused for political purposes, focusing on public safety and due process.