印地安那波利斯机场欢迎来自24个国家的47名美国新公民参加入籍仪式。 Indianapolis airport welcomes 47 new U.S. citizens from 24 countries in inaugural naturalization ceremony.
印第安纳波利斯国际机场主办了第一次公民入籍仪式,欢迎来自24个国家的47名美国新公民。 The Indianapolis International Airport hosted its first citizenship naturalization ceremony, welcoming 47 new U.S. citizens from 24 countries. 这次活动有当地代表参加,就投票、公共交通和真实身份应用程序等议题提供资源和信息。 The event featured local representatives providing resources and information on topics like voting, public transit, and Real ID applications. 值得注意的是,一名新公民领导了 " 博爱宣誓 " 仪式,仪式包括由当地一个高中团体表演国歌。 Notably, a new citizen led the Pledge of Allegiance, and the ceremony included a performance of the National Anthem by a local high school group.