前爱尔兰政治家Colm Keaveney被控驾驶受可卡因影响,没有保险。 Former Irish politician Colm Keaveney charged with driving under influence of cocaine, without insurance.
前爱尔兰政治人物Colm Keaveney被指控于2023年6月12日在Co Galway的Tuam驾车受可卡因影响, Former Irish politician Colm Keaveney faces charges for allegedly driving under the influence of cocaine and without insurance in Tuam, Co Galway, on June 12, 2023. 他的律师对血液样本检验提出了关切。 His lawyer raised concerns about the blood sample testing. Keaveney曾是工党TD,后来加入Fianna Fáil,于2016年失去席位。 Keaveney, who previously served as a Labour Party TD and later joined Fianna Fáil, lost his seat in 2016. 法院诉讼程序暂停至2025年1月。 The court proceedings are adjourned until January 2025.