美国政府提供2万5千美元的赏金 给被指控杀害婴儿儿子的尼日利亚男子 US government offers $25,000 bounty for Nigerian man accused of killing his infant son.
美国政府悬赏25000美元给尼日利亚男子Olalekan Olawusi, 此人因谋杀他三个月大的儿子并造成儿童严重身体伤害而被通缉。 The US government has placed a $25,000 bounty on Nigerian man Olalekan Olawusi, wanted for the murder of his three-month-old son and causing serious bodily injury to the child. Olawusi在2017年被起诉后逃离了美国, Olawusi fled the country after being charged in 2017 and is now on the US Marshals Service's 15 Most Wanted list. 该名儿童有18人受伤,在事件发生后6个月死亡。 The child, who had 18 injuries, died six months after the incident. 当局怀疑他正在尼日利亚接受家人的帮助,认为他对儿童构成危险。 Authorities suspect he is receiving help from family in Nigeria and consider him a danger to children.