两人在Worcester的一次家庭枪击中死亡;枪手和受害人都死亡。 Two people died in a domestic shooting in Worcester; both the shooter and the victim died.
一个在11月7日在伍斯特发生的家庭枪击事件后住院治疗的男子已死亡。 A man who was hospitalized after a domestic shooting incident in Worcester on November 7th has died. 警方于凌晨2时05分左右对Gingerbread小道上的一家住宅作出反应,发现一名在现场死亡的妇女和一名枪伤男子,后者后来死于医院。 Police responded to a home on Gingerbread Trail at around 2:05 a.m., where they found a woman who died at the scene and a man with gunshot wounds who later died in the hospital. 事件仍在调查之中,没有公布任何进一步细节。 The incident remains under investigation, and no further details have been released.