特朗普的竞选团队为有争议的广告辩护,称其与支出优先事项有关,而不是针对跨性别群体。 Trump's campaign defends controversial ads as about spending priorities, not targeting transgender community.
Trump的竞选政治主任James Blair指出, 争议性广告的焦点是“他们/他们”的代名词和Kamala Harris对性更替手术的评论, James Blair, Trump's campaign political director, stated that the controversial ads focusing on "they/them" pronouns and Kamala Harris's comments on sex reassignment surgery were about "misplaced priorities" rather than targeting the transgender community. 这些广告在战场各州和国家网络上播出,旨在突出选民对政府支出优先事项的关切。 The ads, which aired in battleground states and on national networks, aimed to highlight voter concerns over government spending priorities. 尽管花费了2 100万美元,但一项研究没有发现对选民行为有重大影响。 Despite a $21 million spend, a study found no significant impact on voter behavior.