2020年美国总统竞选广告在关键的战场州出现, Trump、Harris和盟友在经济、堕胎、移民和犯罪问题上投入了大量资金。 2020 US presidential campaign ads in key battleground states saw significant spending by Trump, Harris, and allies on economy, abortion, immigration, and crime issues.
10月,总统竞选广告在关键战场各州出现,唐纳德·特朗普、卡马拉·哈里斯及其盟友花费巨资,重点是经济、堕胎权、移民和犯罪等问题。 In October, presidential campaign ads in key battleground states saw significant spending by Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, and their allies, focusing on issues like the economy, abortion rights, immigration, and crime. 由 FF PAC 资助的热门广告批评了特朗普的税收政策,花费超过 2200 万美元。 The top ad, funded by FF PAC, criticized Trump's tax policies with over $22 million spent. MAGA公司密切关注此事,在攻击Harris执法记录的一个广告上花费近1 800万美元。 MAGA Inc. followed closely, spending nearly $18 million on an ad attacking Harris’ law enforcement record. 随着选举的临近,这些运动强调攻击和防御战略。 The campaigns emphasize attack and defense strategies as the election nears.